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Coat of arms and family crest of Wels de spiegelfeld.

Genealogy of family Wels de spiegelfeld, origin of Wels de spiegelfeld, provenance of the family name Wels de spiegelfeld.

History and meaning for Wels de spiegelfeld.

The heraldry and the history of the family name Wels de spiegelfeld have been studied and on this website we put at your disposal the sources that we know exist.

Being certainly complex, sometimes, the study of the history of a surname, here we give the starting point for all those interested in knowing more about the family name Wels de spiegelfeld.

The surname Wels de spiegelfeld is of COMPOSITE origin of the surname itself, which appears first, and of what appears after the DE (what does it mean OF), giving a sense of BELONGING. Most of these surnames are of Spanish origin, but there are also French, Belgian, etc.

The surname Wels de spiegelfeld is probably of JEWISH origin, as surnames that contain the particle FELD, which means FIELD in German, are usually so.

SEVEN things you should know about the family name Wels de spiegelfeld:

1) The origin of the family name Wels de spiegelfeld.

2) The meaning of the family name Wels de spiegelfeld.

3) The coat of arms and crest.

4) The bibliography

5) The nobility of the family name Wels de spiegelfeld.

6) The prominent persons of this family.

7) The history of the family name Wels de spiegelfeld.

8) Do you know what heraldic drawings mean?.

Bibliography that collects the history and the coat of arms for the family Wels de spiegelfeld:

* Armorial General by Johan Baptiste Rietstap. Contains blazons, descriptions and drawings of coats of arms, crests, origins of family names and nobility

Are you proud to belong to your family? Do you want to know and have something important related to your family?. Click here

This name is the SYMBOL OF A FAMILY. If you have been invited to a wedding, event, meeting or anniversary, make a GREAT GIFT FOR WEDDINGS, ANNIVERSARIES and events..

We put at your disposal the heraldic, the coat of arms and crest for this family name in various formats: The images that appear here are examples and none of them belong to the coat of arms for the name Wels de spiegelfeld:

Name Wels de spiegelfeld

Parchment with the coat of arms, origin and history for the family name Wels de spiegelfeld. Very cheap.

heraldry coats of arms on JPG and vectorial formats

Coat of arms for Wels de spiegelfeld and the history and origin for the family name Wels de spiegelfeld in JPG or Vectorial files as Corel-Draw, AI, WMF, etc.

Click here to see in more detail the products displayed here and other heraldry for the family name Wels de spiegelfeld

The coats of arms and family crests with meaning for the family name Wels de spiegelfeld are collected in the Armorial General by Johan Baptiste Rietstap, this work is the greatest work of heraldry ever written and drawn, with more than 100,000 family names from around the world (English, Scotish, Welsh, Spanish, French, Italians, Poles, Portuguese, Dutch, etc.), among which is the name Wels de spiegelfeld, arranged alphabetically, and DRAWN, including a heraldic handbook with drawings, a complete glossary of terms, a supplement and an appendix. Complete description the coat of arms Wels de spiegelfeld, and origin for the family name Wels de spiegelfeld, nobiliary titles of the family name Wels de spiegelfeld and of the concession dates. The text where the family name Wels de spiegelfeld appears is in the second edition, expanded and revised from 1884-1887.

The family crest and coat of arms of Wels de spiegelfeld appears in Rietstap Armorial General that is a multi-volume work on the coats-of-arms of the world; it is both monumental and without equal, and is the most exhaustive undertaking of its kind. The Armorial General is the most authoritative work on the coats-of-arms in the world. The descriptions of the arms cover those of more than 100,000 families, included Wels de spiegelfeld alphabetically arranged and accurately described.In addition to a full description of the arms for Wels de spiegelfeld, most entries identify the nationality of the arms bearer, titles of Wels de spiegelfeld, and the date his title was conferred. The basic text was established with the publication of the second edition, corrected and enlarged, of 1884-1887. This most important reference work contains the shields of thousands of Coats of Arms covering the whole world, arranged alphabetically under surnames, as Wels de spiegelfeld.

One of the most distinctive qualities of heraldry is the use of a limited palette of colours and patterns, usually referred to as tinctures. These are divided into three categories, known as metals, colours, and furs.

Next we are going to see the meanings of three tinctures:

1) SABLE: Black color that symbolizes Prudence, Sadness, Rigor, Honesty and Obedience.

2) ARGENT (Silver): Purity, Integrity, Obedience, Firmness, Surveillance, Eloquence and Expiration.

3) AZURE: Blue color that symbolizes Justice, Zeal, Truth, Loyalty, Charity and Beauty.

Next lets look at the characteristics of some figures that we can find in heraldry and crests:

* CINQUEFOIL: The Cinquefoils symbolize Hope and Joy.

* ANCHOR: The Anchor is a symbol of Hope, it also means security and constancy, even in the greatest setbacks of fortune.

* MALLET: The Mallet indicates War for the damage that it can cause to armor.

* DOG: The Dog is a symbol of Faithful Vassal.

* TREE: The Tree is a symbol of Ancient and Clarified Nobility.

* LEOPARD: The Leopard represents the Courageous and Endeavoring Knight who has carried out some daring enterprise using cunning rather than force to complete it.

* ROOK: The Rooks symbolize the Captain who defends his fortress.

* RABBIT: The Rabbit symbolizes Love of letters or One who enjoys a peaceable and retired life.

* The family name Wels de spiegelfeld appears in the list of last names of Heraldry & Crests so its complete history, crest and coat of arms or heraldic shields can be known on his website: http://www.heraldrycrests.com/

Heraldry for family name Wels de spiegelfeld as well as its history is at your disposal here: Heraldry, history, origin, crest and coat of arms of the family name Wels de spiegelfeld

Related Words: Wels de spiegelfeld family crest | Origin of the name Wels de spiegelfeld | Genealogy of the family Wels de spiegelfeld | Heraldry of the name Wels de spiegelfeld | Coat of arms of Wels de spiegelfeld | Genealogy of the Wels de spiegelfeld | Origin of the Wels de spiegelfeld | Meaning of the name Wels de spiegelfeld.

Wels de spiegelfeld

Images of some books referred, with information of the family name Wels de spiegelfeld:

Wels de spiegelfeld

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All the information about the surnames that are collected in this web site are based on verified bibliography.

Origin of family name, history and coat of arms/crests